wpsnoop: fix Frontend Admin plugin conflicts, errors & issues
When the plugin Frontend Admin conflicts or throws a PHP error we hope wpsnoop can help you to fix the issue quickly.
Discover which shortcodes wp-options PHP functions database tables and files are created by Frontend Admin, plus learn which plugins and/or themes could be in conflict with Frontend Admin.
Troubleshooting theme and plugin conflicts is easier when you know what Frontend Admin leaves behind after uninstalling it from a WordPress installation, there is a list down below for your convenience.
Expert advice is recommended if you are not technically proficient with PHP, MySQL etc. View support options for Frontend Admin
When you need professional help with WordPress: get help here
What does Frontend Admin version 3.3.23 add to WordPress? Answers Here.
This is an automatically generated report - it is possible for Frontend Admin to perform differently in your installation, previous versions before 3.3.23 may have created a different set of shortcodes, used different function names or could have created entirely different database tables to store settings and operate. This is not an exhaustive list but shows how version 3.3.23 of Frontend Admin behaves when installed and removed on a clean installation of WordPress.
We have not tested individual shortcodes, features or settings of this plugin but instead have concentrated on the potential for obvious errors and conflicts which can occur, if you need help with the plugin in your local installation you can get WordPress help and support for Frontend Admin by clicking here.
Our testing covered the free version of this plugin there may or may not be a paid version or premium version available for purchase that unlocks additional features and could behave in a slightly or very different manner.
Summary of WordPress plugin analysis: Frontend Admin
Which new files does Frontend Admin add to WordPress?
This section will populate with a table showing an icon, size and filepath.
Type & Path | Size | Conflicts |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/ | 14.39MB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/ | 172.07kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/ | 43.16kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/admin-min.css | 1.75kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/admin.css | 2.06kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/editor-min.css | 1.55kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/editor.css | 1.80kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/fonts/ | 11.11kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/fonts/frontend-icon.eot | 1.66kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/fonts/frontend-icon.svg | 2.57kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/fonts/frontend-icon.ttf | 1.50kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/fonts/frontend-icon.woff | 1.57kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/fonts/PayPal.svg | 3.81kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/frontend-admin-min.css | 10.53kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/frontend-admin.css | 12.37kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
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wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/css/modal-min.css | 551.00B | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/js/ | 123.59kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
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wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/assets/plugin-logo.png | 5.32kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/frontend-admin.php | 16.52kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/includes/ | 11.83MB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/includes/acf/ | 8.88MB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
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wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/includes/acf/includes/ajax/class-acf-ajax-upgrade.php | 1.15kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
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wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/includes/acf/includes/ajax/class-acf-ajax.php | 4.69kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/includes/acf/includes/api/ | 130.13kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
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wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/includes/acf/includes/fields/ | 310.94kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
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wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/main/oxygen/elements/general/ | 31.24kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/main/oxygen/elements/general/frontend-form.php | 31.24kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/main/oxygen/module.php | 1.42kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
wp-content/plugins/frontend-admin/readme.txt | 11.10kB | No known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
Which new shortcodes does Frontend Admin add to WordPress?
ShortCode | Â | Known Plugin or Theme conflicts |
[acf] | The acf shortcode has potential conflicts with at least 65 other plugins or themes. | |
[frontend_admin] | The frontend_admin shortcode doesn't have any known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
Note: We have not yet checked to see if these shortcodes work as expected in pages, posts, sidebar widgets, or when set as the page title, in content, in the excert, in menus or anywhere else within a WordPress installation. A shortcode could produce errors due to parameters added when it is used, or if the plugin is updated and the format of the shortcode has changed.
Which new database tables are created by the WordPress plugin Frontend Admin?
Table name | Known Plugin or Theme conflicts |
wp_fea_submissions | The wp_fea_submissions table doesn't have any known conflicts with other themes or plugins. |
Table name | Status |
wp_fea_submissions | Orphan/Zombie |
Click the table name above for more information on what the orphan table could mean to your WordPress installation and some tips on how to deal with it.
Which new options are added to the wp-options table by Frontend Admin?
Option Name | Â | Known Conflicts |
fs_accounts | Potential conflict with 738 plugins or themes | |
fs_active_plugins | Potential conflict with 740 plugins or themes | |
fs_debug_mode | Potential conflict with 736 plugins or themes | |
frontend_admin_hide_by | The frontend_admin_hide_by option doesn't have any known conflicts with other themes or plugins. | |
frontend_admin_hide_wp_dashboard | The frontend_admin_hide_wp_dashboard option doesn't have any known conflicts with other themes or plugins. | |
During use Frontend Admin may or may not create more options depending on how the plugin is configured and depending on which other themes and plugins are active in your specific hosting environment.
- frontend_admin_hide_by
- frontend_admin_hide_wp_dashboard
- fs_accounts
- fs_active_plugins
- fs_debug_mode
- recently_activated
What new PHP functions does Frontend Admin declare when it is active?
Using Frontend Admin from the command line with WP-CLI
The following commands are provided for convenience and should only be used if you understand how WP-CLI works. These commands refer to a single WordPress instance and may need to be modified if you are working with a Multisite installation.
How to install Frontend Admin from the command line with WP-CLI
Navigate to the root of your WordPress installation and type the following command:
How to activate Frontend Admin from the command line with WP-CLI
To immediately activate Frontend Admin after WP-CLI downloads the latest version you can use the following command:
How to reinstall Frontend Admin from the command line with WP-CLI
To force a reinstallation of Frontend Admin which overwrites the current plugin without asking for confirmation you can use the following command:
How to update Frontend Admin to the latest version from the command line with WP-CLI
How to delete Frontend Admin from the command line with WP-CLI
Where can you download earlier versions of Frontend Admin?
Whenever possible you should use the latest version of plugins and themes, however if you have recently updated and discovered that you need to install an earlier version you may be able to download other versions of Frontend Admin from the WordPress repository by visiting this link.
Please note that installing earlier versions of a theme or plugin is not generally a recommended course of action for most users and could re-introduce security, stability or other issues in Frontend Admin
About our testing enviroment
Tests were conducted using Apache 2.4.29, PHP 7.2 on Ubuntu 18.04, MySQL 5.7.33 and WordPress 5.9
It is very possible that different versions of PHP such as PHP 8.0, PHP 7.4, or PHP 7.3 could behave differently with Frontend Admin. Different versions of WordPress could implement the features of this plugin in slightly different ways as well.