How long will your site stay broken?
Read on to get WordPress help and support for Sync OPML to Blogroll plugin: repair conflicts, fix errors & site issues quickly and easily
You already know that while your WordPress site is offline it is costing you big time.
- Lost sales & credibility
- Lost productivity
- Missed opportunities
End the stress and get your site fixed fast in hardly any time at all by discovering the most affordable source of fast and reliable WordPress talent online and ready to help you.
About these recommendations: It is our sincerely held belief that these options are the best solutions available for a quick fix to your WordPress installation. We do receive a very small consideration when you join the Fiverr marketplace. We have found that freelancers in the market provide exceptional service and are generally AWESOME which is why we recommend Fiverr :D
So where can you get fast, professional help with Sync OPML to Blogroll?
There are only 2 support options we recommend at this time - the top recommendation might surprise you but we have had plenty of success getting WordPress issues fixed by freelance coders on Fiverr - keep reading to learn why we recommend you hire a freelancer who specializes in fixing WordPress issues.
#1 Support Option: Fiverr (Affordable, Fast, All-around Excellent)
Fiverr is a vast online marketplace of tech-savvy workers who provide various online services. Getting help with your site issue using a marketplace of freelance talent is an affordable and quick way to get solutions.
The key to using Fiverr effectively key is in how you choose the right freelancer: You will want to click here to instantly search for freelancers who have plenty of experience, lots of positve reviews and most importantly who are online right now.
- Pro: Many providers who are online and work exclusively on WordPress issues
- Pro: Very affordable fees ($15-$25 is common)
- Pro: Sellers are highly rated and reviewed
- Pro: You can ask questions and give info about your error before paying anything
- We have done an advanced search for you that shows sellers who are online NOW
#2 Support Option: Direct support through WordPress.org
Open a support thread on WordPress.org to contact the developer of the plugin directly by this link. Note that this option can have mixed results with some developers responding in hours and others ... never.
- Pro: Free support in many cases
- Pro: Direct contact with the author of Sync OPML to Blogroll
- Con: Sometimes you wait, could be awhile :(