wpsnoop [testimonial-list] shortcode is used by 2 plugins
WordPress Shortcodes are used to create visual effects like [bold] text [/bold]
Shortcodes can also be used to embed Videos, Calendars, Tables, Products, Product Reviews, GitHub badges, source code, almost anything - and therein lies the great benefit of WordPress shortcodes and also the problem of conflicting plugins competing to try to make [testimonial-list] a shortcode appear on a page.
This page provides some information on the testimonial-list shortcode and a list of plugins and themes that implement it.
The following 2 plugins register a shortcode called [testimonial-list]:
The [testimonial-list] shortcode is used by 2 known themes/plugins to extend WordPress.
Shortcode conflicts can cause issues if multiple themes or plugins attempt to register the same shortcode.
Note: This is NOT a complete list since we only examine plugins that are part of the WordPress SVN repository
Shortcode conflicts can cause issues if multiple themes or plugins attempt to register the same shortcode.
Note: This is NOT a complete list since we only examine plugins that are part of the WordPress SVN repository