wpsnoop: 37 plugins/themes save an option named "Activated_Plugin" in wp-options

Programmers, site owners, WordPress users come here to discover which plugins and/or themes create an entry in the wp-options table where option_name is set to Activated_Plugin

wpsnoop continually tests and analyzes over 100,000 WordPress Themes and Plugins to find conflicting options that share the same name and we have found...

There are 37 plugins/themes that store an option named "Activated_Plugin" in the wp-options table.

Total Uses refers to the number of different plugins and themes that create a wordpress option with the name Activated_Plugin while "Orphaned Options" or "Zombie Options" refers to the number of options that are still left behind after a plugin or theme has been uninstalled.

What plugins or themes make an option named "Activated_Plugin" in the wp_options table?

Activated_Plugin is stored in the WordPress options table by at least 37 plugins. This represents serious potential for conflicts. Using these in any combination at the same time could cause site stability issues and could prevent WordPress from working correctly.
Name Type
eSalesPop For Woocommerce Plugin
Events by Devllo Plugin
Ezoic Plugin
Best Local SEO Tools, Wordpress SEO Plugin Plugin
WPi Designer Button Shortcode Plugin
Social Login, Social Sharing by miniOrange Plugin
Yourpay Payment Platform for WooCommerce Plugin
Social Sharing by miniOrange Plugin
Siteselector Plugin
Sonetel website chat Plugin
BIP Pages Plugin
URL-Preview-Box Plugin
Featured Listing For Locatepress Plugin
AmaDiscount Plugin
PagSeguro Parceled for WooCommerce Plugin
TG SMS Notify Plugin
GraphComment Plugin
PDPA Consent Plugin
Inline Manual Plugin
Disable Any Plugin Updates Plugin
WP RPG Attack Module Plugin
Button Maker Plugin
Easy Progressive Web App Plugin
Ecommerce Social Login, Social Sharing by miniOrange Plugin
Facebook-Twitter-Wp-Login Plugin
Podcasting Plugin by TSG Plugin
Any Custom Fields Plugin
WP RPG Bank w/ Cubepoints Plugin
WP-ViewWorks Plugin
POEditor Plugin
Purplepass plugin for The Events Calendar Plugin
WP 3D Thingviewer Lite Plugin
Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking (UET) Plugin
Shortcodes Finder Plugin
White Rabbit All in One Suite Plugin
Random Plugin
followthis topic box Plugin

37 possible sources of Orphan or Zombie Options saved as Activated_Plugin in wp-options table

Name Type
eSalesPop For Woocommerce Plugin
Events by Devllo Plugin
Ezoic Plugin
Best Local SEO Tools, Wordpress SEO Plugin Plugin
WPi Designer Button Shortcode Plugin
Social Login, Social Sharing by miniOrange Plugin
Yourpay Payment Platform for WooCommerce Plugin
Social Sharing by miniOrange Plugin
Siteselector Plugin
Sonetel website chat Plugin
BIP Pages Plugin
URL-Preview-Box Plugin
Featured Listing For Locatepress Plugin
AmaDiscount Plugin
PagSeguro Parceled for WooCommerce Plugin
TG SMS Notify Plugin
GraphComment Plugin
PDPA Consent Plugin
Inline Manual Plugin
Disable Any Plugin Updates Plugin
WP RPG Attack Module Plugin
Button Maker Plugin
Easy Progressive Web App Plugin
Ecommerce Social Login, Social Sharing by miniOrange Plugin
Facebook-Twitter-Wp-Login Plugin
Podcasting Plugin by TSG Plugin
Any Custom Fields Plugin
WP RPG Bank w/ Cubepoints Plugin
WP-ViewWorks Plugin
POEditor Plugin
Purplepass plugin for The Events Calendar Plugin
WP 3D Thingviewer Lite Plugin
Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking (UET) Plugin
Shortcodes Finder Plugin
White Rabbit All in One Suite Plugin
Random Plugin
followthis topic box Plugin