wpsnoop Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin()
If you are dealing with a WordPress issue where a PHP Function mytheme_admin() was already declared it is most likely due to a plugin/theme conflict.
wpsnoop scanned and analyzed over 100,000 WordPress plugins and themes to find and locate potential conflicts including functions that share the same name.
This page has information on the 78 places where that function is declared and used in WordPress plugins and themes.
Note: Our database currently only taps into the free themes and plugins available in the publicly available WordPress plugins and themes, if your site uses paid plugins, themes or custom code there may be additional conflicts.
Our database has uncovered 78 different instances of potential conflicts where different plugins or themes share the function name.
Examples of this error include:PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/kirby/functions.php:217)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Kirby and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/writers-blog/controlpanel.php:85)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Writer's Blog and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/epione/functions.php:247)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Epione and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/takteek01/controlpanel.php:78)
This file is part of the WordPress theme TAKTEEK01 and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/breathe/functions.php:345)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Breathe and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/jasov/dashboard.php:89)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Jasov and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/launchpad/functions.php:45)
This file is part of the WordPress theme LaunchPad and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/renegade/controlpanel.php:155)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Renegade and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/blog-design-studio-newblue/functions.php:136)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Blog Design Studio NewBlue and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/wp-perfect/includes/theme-options.php:248)
This file is part of the WordPress theme WP Perfect and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/wp-portaltheme/functions.php:38)
This file is part of the WordPress theme WP-PortalTheme and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/wordpress-carousel-gallery/wp_donimedia_carousel.php:1199)
This file is part of the WordPress plugin WP donimedia carousel and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/kaleidoscope/functions.php:235)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Kaleidoscope and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/that-elite/elite_control.php:85)
This file is part of the WordPress theme THAT Elite and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/abov/dashboard.php:108)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Abov and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/thatsimple/controlpanel.php:154)
This file is part of the WordPress theme THATsimple and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/intrepidity/functions.php:314)
This file is part of the WordPress theme intrepidity and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/edegree/functions.php:292)
This file is part of the WordPress theme eDegree° and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/jessica-fletcher-redux/functions.php:653)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Jessica Fletcher Redux and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/primepress/library/pp-options.php:101)
This file is part of the WordPress theme PrimePress and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/wp-soul/functions.php:157)
This file is part of the WordPress theme WP Soul and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/lysa/dashboard.php:194)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Lysa and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/deepblue/functions.php:55)
This file is part of the WordPress theme DeepBlue and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/in-the-clouds/functions.php:42)
This file is part of the WordPress theme In the Clouds and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/mbius/functions.php:120)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Möbius and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/artsavius-blog/functions.php:151)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Artsavius Blog and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/xioletter/functions.php:324)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Xioletter and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/rubix/functions.php:98)
This file is part of the WordPress theme RubiX and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/macpress/functions.php:148)
This file is part of the WordPress theme MacPress and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/10pad2-rising-sun/controlpanel.php:41)
This file is part of the WordPress theme 10PAD2-Rising Sun and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/daily-minefield/functions.php:60)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Daily Minefield and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/black-hat/functions.php:520)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Black Hat and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/simplepress-2/functions.php:161)
This file is part of the WordPress theme SimplePress 2 and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/greyzed/functions.php:102)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Greyzed and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/strapped/functions.php:59)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Strapped and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/china-red/functions.php:136)
This file is part of the WordPress theme China Red and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/noble/functions.php:123)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Noble and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/the-fundamentals-of-graphic-design/functions.php:106)
This file is part of the WordPress theme The Fundamentals of Graphic Design and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/kreativ/dashboard.php:157)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Kreativ and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/wpburn-blue/functions.php:81)
This file is part of the WordPress theme wpBurn Blue and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/red-evo-aphelion/functions.php:68)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Red Evo Aphelion and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/goodtheme-lead/dashboard.php:343)
This file is part of the WordPress theme GoodTheme Lead and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/gemer/settings.php:67)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Gemer and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/fishy/lib/options.php:79)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Fishy and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/rostar/dashboard.php:126)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Rostar and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/3col-rdmban-rr/controlpanel.php:41)
This file is part of the WordPress theme 3COL-RDMBAN RR and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/wp-donimedia-carousel/wp_donimedia_carousel.php:1199)
This file is part of the WordPress plugin WP donimedia carousel and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/42k/functions.php:79)
This file is part of the WordPress theme 42k and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/less-is-less/functions.php:91)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Less Is Less and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/ice-breaker/functions.php:149)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Ice Breaker and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/typografia/functions.php:147)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Typografia and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/tweaker/functions.php:42)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Tweaker and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/stunning-silence/functions.php:130)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Stunning Silence and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/jq/functions.php:161)
This file is part of the WordPress theme jQ and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/js-o3-lite/functions.php:295)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Js O3 Lite and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/js-o4w/functions.php:136)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Js O4w and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/vista/functions.php:73)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Vista and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/vista-like/functions.php:107)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Vista-Like and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/fazyvo/controlpanel.php:187)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Fazyvo and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/gravel/controlpanel.php:160)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Gravel and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/simple-blog-design/functions.php:193)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Simple Blog Design and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/simple-blog-design-2/functions.php:193)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Simple Blog Design 2 and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/bwd-1/functions/optionsPage.php:54)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Bwd 1 and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/bwd-2/functions/optionsPage.php:54)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Bwd 2 and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/regal/controlpanel.php:191)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Regal and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/an-ordinary-theme/controlpanel.php:103)
This file is part of the WordPress theme an ordinary theme and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/revolution-code-blue/functions.php:49)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Revolution Code Blue and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/beauty/functions.php:96)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Beauty and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/connections-reloaded/theme-options-page.php:74)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Connections Reloaded and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/furry-family/functions.php:85)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Furry Family and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/organic-theme/functions.php:85)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Organic Theme and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/langitbiru/functions.php:440)
This file is part of the WordPress theme LangitBiru and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/states/functions.php:59)
This file is part of the WordPress theme States and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/voidy/functions.php:153)
This file is part of the WordPress theme voidy and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/mataram/functions.php:521)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Mataram and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/dfblog/functions.php:149)
This file is part of the WordPress theme dfBlog and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/under-the-influence/functions.php:277)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Under the Influence and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mytheme_admin() (previously declared in wp-content/themes/under-the-sea/functions.php:84)
This file is part of the WordPress theme Under the Sea and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.
The error occurs because two (or more) plugins that you are using are both trying to declare a function with the same name.