wpsnoop Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker()

If you are dealing with a WordPress issue where a PHP Function mw_enqueue_color_picker() was already declared it is most likely due to a plugin/theme conflict.

wpsnoop scanned and analyzed over 100,000 WordPress plugins and themes to find and locate potential conflicts including functions that share the same name.

This page has information on the 39 places where that function is declared and used in WordPress plugins and themes.

Note: Our database currently only taps into the free themes and plugins available in the publicly available WordPress plugins and themes, if your site uses paid plugins, themes or custom code there may be additional conflicts.

Our database has uncovered 39 different instances of potential conflicts where different plugins or themes share the function name.

Examples of this error include:

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/feedbackstr-easyshare/dashboard/dashboard.php:147)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Feedbackstr easyShare and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/wp-responsive-select-menu/wp-responsive-select-menu.php:44)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin WP Responsive Select Menu and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/qr-code-info/qrcode_info.php:413)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin QR Code info and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/easily-change-admin-color/index.php:23)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Easily Change Admin Color and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/blog-authors/includes/functions.php:4)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Blog Authors and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/mww-disclaimer-buttons/mww-disclaimers.php:235)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin MWW Disclaimer Buttons and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/fancy-admin-ui/inc/fau_settings.php:4)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Fancy Admin UI and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/my-social-widget/my-social.php:199)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Easy Social Media Widget and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/buddypress-social/loader.php:51)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Buddypress Social and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/wp-soononline-page/soononlinepage.php:161)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin WP SoonOnline Page and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/agile-video-player/app.php:7235)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Agile Video Player Lite and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/sm-vertical-menu/sm_vertical_menu.php:206)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin SM Vertical Menu and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/related-posts-by-aarvis/related-posts-by-aarvis.php:140)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Related Posts by Aarvis and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/perfit-signup-form/perfit_optin.php:79)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Perfit Optin and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/gedshow/csgen.php:1205)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Gedshow and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/wp-catalogue/index.php:162)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin WP Catalogue and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/adminyo-lite/ayo_plugin.php:147)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Adminyo - Intelligent WP Admin and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/guerrillas-sticky-bar/guerrilla-sticky-bar.php:46)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Guerrilla's Sticky Bar and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/quandoo-restaurant-reservations/classes/class-quandoo-reservation-settings.php:327)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Quandoo Restaurant Reservations and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/ays-facebook-popup-likebox/includes/scripts.php:14)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin AYS Facebook Popup Likebox and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/change-font-size-and-color/change-font-size-color.php:234)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Change font size and color and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/faq-in-minute/faq_all.php:82)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin faq in minute and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/change-links/css.php:80)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Change Links for post content and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/faqs-made-easy/settings-api.php:14)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin FAQs Made Easy and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/location-finder/admin/class-location-finder-admin.php:116)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Excelsea Store Locator and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/kento-star-rate/index.php:425)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Kento Star Rate and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/ads-for-old-posts/ads_for_old_posts.php:192)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Ads For Old Posts and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/tw-sidebar-slider/tw-sidebar-slider.php:275)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin TW Sidebar Slider and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/music-seller/music_seller_options.php:9)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Music Seller and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/list-my-posts/wp-listmyposts.php:69)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin ListMyPosts and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/mini-popup/mini-popup.php:25)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Mini PopUp and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/read-more-without-refresh/readmoreoptions.php:19)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Read More Without Refresh and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/ytlink/ytlink.php:238)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin ytlink and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/audiotyped-ux/audiotyped-ux.php:23)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin AudioTyped UX and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/bknewsticker/ticker.php:47)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin BkNewsticker and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/paywithbank3d/includes/front/enqueue.php:39)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin PayWithBank3D and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/sharetimetable-booking/sharetimetable.php:82)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin ShareTimetable Booking and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/better-scrollbar/nicescroll.min.php:79)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin custom scroll Bar and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mw_enqueue_color_picker() (previously declared in wp-content/plugins/video-embed-box/video_embed.php:363)

This file is part of the WordPress plugin Video Embed and could be interacting with another theme or plugin and causing a fatal error.

The error occurs because two (or more) plugins that you are using are both trying to declare a function with the same name.